Since I'm just in the beginning stages of getting my art up and going I'm learning to work in very SMALL spaces. I started out in the guest bedroom upstairs which didn't work so well. It was interesting using a hand saw, gorilla glue, paint, ink, and tiles all on a 3x4 desk. I spent more time trying to keep the mess off the floor and bed than I did working. Needless to say something had to change! forward to June and I've moved up to the storage building outside. It is better but it still isn't ideal for creating. I've moved junk around, purged (some but not enough) and rearranged a dozen times. The best part of the new space is the fact that I can make a mess and it is perfectly OK. No worries about paint and ink on the floor anymore!
I have so many big ideas I want to do, but with limited space I have to get creative. Fortunately, the weather in Colorado in June allows me to do a lot of my work outside. Low humidity and temperature in the 80's make it perfect to be outside. I even get to be up close and personal with nature. Just last week a deer walked right up to the door of my building and just looked inside. Then today while I was outside sanding, 4 bucks in full velvet just sauntered past me like I wasn't even there! That is inspiring for sure!
I need an Art studio but until I win the lottery I've decided I need to work on this space and I need the following:
a larger desk
more shelves
a more comfortable chair
a place to stand and paint
better organized storage
more head room
a place to store canvas paintings
a place to store tiles
Since Art Studios aren't cheap I guess I'll have to be satisfied with what I have for now. It works!