Since moving to Colorado there have many "FIRSTS". First time encountering moose, elk, and bear. First time enduring 4 feet of snow in 24 hours. First time experiencing altitudes above 6000ft. First time sharing a bucket of mussels with friends in an authentic French resteraunt. And the firsts go on and on.
This past weekend was a "first" that will forever be imprinted in my memories. it was my first time ever showing my paintings and Art. To say I was a nervous wreck would be an understatement. I had worked so hard getting my pieces ready. I had planned out every square inch of my booth. I had prepared myself (I thought) to put myself out there. I wasn't prepared for the emotional rollercoaster I would experience.
Set up was physically exhausting. Thanks to the hubby and neighbor for cutting a camping trip short so he would be home to help be set up. I was so busy I didn't have time to panic. A quick trip back home to clean up and change clothes and then we were back for the opening. The hall was packed with people enjoying wine and refreshments. There was a buzz in the air for sure. I had a lump in my throat all night. Every time another person came up to me and said something about my work it totally awed me. To hear words of encouragement from total strangers and fellow artist was so amazing. To have someone purchase a piece of work was incredible!
If I could only use one word to descibe this "first" it would be VALIDATION. I've always loved Art and anything that pertained to it. I've always drawn, painted, and played with Ar,t but I don't know if I've ever really considered myself an "artist". As of June 10, 2016 I do. The confirmation was so strong as I stood by my table and watched people seriously look at my work. To have them ask questions and want to know more about me and how I created a certain piece was astounding.
The most emotional part of the weekend was having an accomplished painter stop and discuss my work. She encouraged me to "keep going, work harder, and just love what you do." Then she purchased one of my paintings. I was so honored. To think that another artist and especially another painter wanted to buy something I created blew me away. Yes I cried! There was that feeling of validation again.
I know there will be many more "firsts" for me. I know I cannot ever recreate this past weekend, nor do I want to. I do know that this experience has sparked something inside me. I want to create. I want to paint. I want to share my talents. I want to be valued as an artist. I want more!