Why Colorado? Why now?


     January 2013 was a pivotal point in my life. My husband and I looked at each other and made a huge decision that would affect not only us but others as well. We were both feeling exhausted by the daily routines of life, unfilled in our jobs, and like something was missing. We made the decision to move! Not just move across town, or to another town in SC, but to move across the country. 

"Why Colorado?" " Why now?"

     Those two questions were asked more than any other question when folks first learned we were moving. It was a decision that was both hard and easy. It was something we had talked about for years and even dreamed about, but never saw coming to fruition. My answer was "Why not Colorado?" and "If not now, then when?" Our children were adults, our house was empty, and we were stagnant. It seemed that our souls needed rejuvenating! We both knew it was the perfect time to make some major changes and start brand new. We weren't sure how it was going to be possible, but saying it out loud seemed to have lifted a weight and allowed us to start putting feet to our dreams.

     We began making lists. I spoke to my personnel director about retirement, and Watson began applying to jobs in Colorado. Within three weeks he had a job in Denver, Co and was packing to move.

We didn't have time to panic because it all happened so suddenly.

We made the decision that he would move on to Colorado and I would stay in SC, work my last 18 months till retirement, and sell our house. I look back on those 18 months and really do not know how I survived it all. It was such a hard stressful time, but one that was exhilarating as well. I guess the best word to describe the process was cleansing. I learned so much about myself during that time of solitude.

     Through purging junk, boxing up memories, sorting, and lots and lots of tears, I made it to June 2014.  I'm not sure anyone will ever really understand why we needed to move over 1800 miles away from family and friends to start a brand new life. I'm not sure we really understand it ourselves.

I do know this, it was time.

We regret not being more fearless 30 years ago and making the move then. We regret our children didn't get to grow up in Colorado. Regrets get you no where so we are learning to stop looking behind us and focus on our new future here in this gorgeous place.